Hair Loss Treatment in Bangalore

Your hair is an important part of your personality and losing it can be quite stressful and traumatic for most. Hair loss can plague both men and women, although the reasons for both could be slightly different. There are several factors that could contribute to hair loss and while some might be medical, there are several that are created by our own selves. So for instance, if there are hormonal changes in the body or you have the genetic disposition for hair loss, it will happen. But when we choose to apply too many chemical products in our hair or choose to use extreme heat on our hair, in the name of hair styling, we are damaging our hair. Even tight hairstyles, such as braids and cornrows are an invitation to hair loss.

When you start looking for hair loss treatment in Bangalore, it is important that you choose the right place – there are several people who claim to be hair experts, but you need to go by actions rather than words. Choose a clinic that has the right certifications and licenses and hair experts of repute, because they will be able to guide you in the right direction on how to tackle hair loss.

Hair Loss Symptoms

Since hair loss is different in each person, even the symptoms can vary, but in most cases, there are some obvious signs. Here are the most common symptoms of hair loss:

  • A general thinning of hair
  • Receding hairline
  • An overall balding on the crown, which is often horseshoe shaped
  • Sudden appearance of bald patches
  • Complete loss of hair on the head or even the body
  • Incomplete loss of hair, especially on the scalp or eyebrows
  • Excessive shedding of hair, which could be related to certain medical conditions

Common Causes of Hair Loss in Men & Women

The common factors that could lead to hair loss in both genders include:

  • Hormonal imbalances can lead to hair thinning and loss
  • If there are genes in the family that cause hair loss, there is a chance that it might affect you too
  • For several people, hair loss is associated with age; when a person progresses in age, it could lead to hair loss
  • If you have unhealthy hair habits – not oiling regularly, not washing regularly, tying your hair too tightly – it could lead to hair loss
  • If your hair is being subjected to chemical products, excessive heat, it could weaken the hair and lead to hair loss
  • When your diet is unhealthy and does not have the right nutrients, it could lead to hair loss
  • Hair fall due to medication is yet another reason – in situations such as chemotherapy or radiation, hair fall is
  • Hair fall could also be due to trauma (such as sudden shock) or accidents

Also watch: Common Causes of Hair Loss in Men - Dr Kapil Dua, MBBS, MS, FISHRS, Dipl. ABHRS

Types of Hair Loss

For the common man, hair loss is just that losing hair, but there are several different typesof hair loss and in order to treat them, understating the type is imperative and that is something that a hair fall doctor in Bangalore could tell you. Here are some of the most common types of hair losses:

  • Androgenic alopecia – Perhaps one of the most common causes of hair loss, this is a condition that can affect both men and women and is not necessarily age specific. This is also known as male or female pattern baldness and leads to a receding hairline and then a gradual appearance of baldness, mainly from the front of the temple and centre of crown. In women, it would probably present itself as an overall thinning all over the head and the bald patches are very rare.
  • Alopecia areata – This is a condition that is most commonly seen in children and adults of a younger age group – in this condition, there could be complete baldness or hair falling out in patches. In the most severe conditions, there could be loss of hair from other parts of the body too, including eyebrows. However, this condition is normally not permanent and in most people, the hair returns in a matter of months or years.
  • Alopecia universalis – As the name suggests, this is a condition in which affects the entire body – a person who is affected by this condition will lose hair from all parts of their body, including their head, eyebrows, eyelashes, arms, legs and even the pubic region. This is the most severe form of alopecia areata and can affect anyone, irrespective of age. Studies have shown that this is an autoimmune condition and while it can continue lifelong, there is a chance that it resolves on its own.
  • Trichotillomania – This is the type of hair loss that you see most commonly in small children, when they constantly pull at their hair. This is a condition that can be seen in adults too, caused by stress – when people pull their hair or run their fingers through their hair all the time. There are some people who tend to chew on their hair and all these can lead to hair loss.
  • Traction alopecia – Yet again this is the type of hair loss that is caused by people – when you tie your hair really tight, you are putting unnecessary tension on the roots of the hair; this leads to the hair breaking and eventually hair loss. Whether you are trying your hair in cornrows or really tight buns or ponytails, these types of hair styles are leading to stress on the hair. This type of hair loss can be avoided by tying your hair in soft or gentle hair styles.
  • Scarring alopecia – This is one of the conditions that can lead to permanent hair loss and it can be caused due to several reasons including inflammatory skin conditions such as acne, cellulitis and folliculitis. Certain skin disorders like lupus and lichen planus can also cause this type of hair loss. These skin conditions can hamper the ability of hair to regenerate, leading to hair loss and hair is unable to regrow.

Treatment for Hair Loss in Bangalore

IWhen you are looking for hair loss treatment options in Bangalore, ideally you should look for a clinic that not only offers you a wide selection of procedures, but also proper consultations regarding what is causing your hair loss and what the best course of action would be. Here are just some of the procedures on offer at AK Clinics, Bangalore:

Treatment Options Avialable For Hair Loss at AK Clinics- Dr Aman Dua, MBBS, MD

  • Medications – If your hair fall has only just started, then you might be put on medications such as Minoxidil and Finasteride. While Minoxidil is a topical medication and can be bought over the counter, Finasteride being an oral medication will require a prescription.
  • Topical – There are several non-invasive procedures on offer, such as laser therapy, which can help immensely, especially when the hair loss is in its initial stages.
  • PRP – Platelet rich plasma therapy is one of the most effective methods to treat hair loss, especially when its moderate. Blood is taken from your body and placed in a centrifuge. The blood is segregated into platelet-poor plasma, platelet-rich plasma and red blood cells, of which the platelet rich plasma is injected back into the scalp.
  • Mesotherapy – One of the newer techniques, Mesotherapy is a non-invasive and non-surgical technique that uses micro-injections into the scalp. The formulation used is often a combination of plant extracts, vitamins and several other ingredients, which are known to increase natural growth of hair follicles.
  • Hair transplant – In the most severe of hair loss situations, the best option is a hair transplant. This is perhaps the most permanent solution to hair loss, but is not always meant for everyone. If you are an ideal candidate for the procedure, you can choose between FUE or FUT – while FUE is the procedure of choice where volume needs to be increased or small bald areas need to be covered. FUT is the choice when large areas need to be covered and in this procedure, a strip of hair is removed, from which the grafts are retrieved.

How can I prevent Hair Loss?

Hair loss is never an easy fact to come to terms with, but if your hair loss has just about started, there are measures that you can take; alternately, there are habits you can adopt to ensure that you can prevent hair loss from the beginning. Here are some of the ways you can avoid losing your hair:

  • Ensure that you have a proper diet – include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, lentils, nuts, eggs and fish to ensure that your hair has all the nutrition and nourishment it needs from within.
  • Hydration is key to keeping hair healthy, which is why you need to have plenty of water in your diet.
  • Make sure that you oil your hair regularly – you can choose coconut oil or olive oil to massage your scalp and hair to give it natural moisture.
  • Don’t shampoo your hair simply because you want to – ideally, you should shampoo your hair once or twice a week, unless your hair feels really dirty and remember to condition, every time you shampoo.
  • Do not tie your hair in very tight hairstyles and keep the chemical and heat based styling tools for special occasions.

Hair Loss Due to Covid & its Treatment

Due to the pandemic, there are plenty of people who have noticed excessive hair loss; people who were affected by Covid also spoke about losing hair and while the fever and infection can be considered as one of the causes of sudden hair loss, it is in no way permanent. As a matter of fact, most people, after recovering could see their hair returning to normalcy. If you too have been affected by hair loss due to Covid, here are some of the things that you can do:

  • Once your doctor approves, work on your diet – add plenty of superfoods like chia seeds, flaxseeds into your diet and make sure that you have lots of fresh fruits and vegetables and fish that are high in omega3 fatty acids.
  • Treat your hair to regular days of pampering –give it a warm oil massage or indulge in a home made hair mask.
  • You can ask your doctor to prescribe you some vitamins or supplements that will help with your hair.
  • In severe hair fall, you can ask an expert for hair loss treatments.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is DHT?

DHT refers to Dihydrotestosterone, a hormone that is commonly found in the male body – this male sex hormone is created when some enzymes convert testosterone that is present in the prostate and testes of men. When there is too much DHT in the body, it can tamper with the hormones that are associated with hair growth and this can lead to hair fall. The increase of DHT can present itself in the form of hair loss or thinning of hair.

If your hair loss has just started, there are plenty of home remedies that you can try first, before heading for a professional hair fall solution.

  • Apply aloevera mixed with coconut or olive oil and massage your hair and scalp; wash it off after 30-45 minutes.
  • If you are a non-vegetarian, you can try an egg mask for your hair, to give it extra protein.
  • Consider natural hair cleansers, such as hibiscus leaves or shikakai, as opposed to chemical shampoos.

Preventing hair loss can be as easy as making some changes in your daily eating habits. If your regular food does not include proteins and vitamins, the chances of your hair becoming weak and brittle are high. Include plenty of leafy greens, fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet as well as eggs, chicken and fish. Also, drink plenty of water to keep the hydration levels of your hair and body high.

The choice of using Finasteride or Minoxidil for hair fallwill be dependent on factors such as:

  • What has led to the hair loss – is it medical, genetic or any other factors
  • How severe or mild the hair loss is
  • What your hair type is – some types of hair are tougher to diagnose

Finally, before taking either, it is best that you talk to a doctor and then proceed with the course of medication.

This is something that can be adjudged only after you have undergone a proper examination –your baldness could be due to several reasons and without determining the exact cause, there is no way any doctor can advice you for a transplant. If your hair loss has been caused due to a medical condition or trauma, there is a chance that it might grow back. Talk to a hair loss specialist before taking any decisions.

Absolutely! Studies have shown that when you are under immense or constant stress, it can lead to hair loss. Stress can force the hair follicles into resting phase, which will reduce the hair growth. In certain cases, when people are under stress, they will play with or pull their hair constantly, leading to more hair loss. However, if the hair loss is stress related there might be no need for any major treatment – reduce your stress and the hair should grow back.

Losing a few hair every day is normal, but if you have been noticing a massive overall thinning in your hair, loss of volume or are noticing bald patches, it might be time to consult an expert. It is important to remember that the causes of hair loss and hair loss treatment for men or womenwill be different, which is why you need to locate an appropriate expert for the same.

Also known as androgenetic alopecia, male pattern baldness can be caused due to mainly three factors:

  • Genetics – if there is male pattern baldness in your family, there is a strong choice that you might too.
  • Hormones – in certain cases, the condition is caused due to hormonal imbalances.
  • Age – for a lot of men, age leads to hair loss.

Also known as androgenetic alopecia, male pattern baldness can be caused due to mainly three factors:

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